It is not an easy to goal to reach but well worth it in the end. Four years ago I started setting an “outrageous” goal of catching the number of fish in correspondence with the present year. My first year it was close but I did not make it. The second year it took a valiant effort on the last day of the year through the ice to get the last 41 fish in 2015. 2016 was a great year landing more than 2,900 fish. This year was difficult with a move and new job but I was able to get out just enough to achieve it once again. I caught more largemouth than ever mostly due to the number of fishing tournaments across the country. This year I caught fish in Tennessee, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, and Texas. This entailed 131 separate trips and all of my fish were caught from a kayak this year. In total, I landed 2,211 fish this year. Now with a string of three years in a row my hope is to continue this challenge for the next few years.