Membership is FREE.
Age Divisions: 12 and under, 13-18 *Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Rules and Regulations
All Nebraska rules and regulations relating to boating, fishing, lakes and parks will be enforced. This includes PFD regulations, fishing licenses and operating your vessel. Members are encouraged to participate and complete a Boater Education Class offered by Nebraska Game and Parks. Please visit Nebraska Game and Parks website for more information.
A PFD MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES! Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification.
Age Groups
There are two age groups. 12 and under, 13-18. With birth date not before October 2nd to qualify for age group.
Adult Help
As the goal of Kayakjak's Outfitters is to teach kids about kayak fishing, other kayakers are allowed and encouraged to help the kids in terms of teaching them the best ways to catch bass. They can help in any way except actual casting, setting the hook or reeling in the fish. Lending kids different lures is also acceptable.
Tournament Schedule
The goal is to schedule and complete in a live fishing tournament. This can be adjusted from year to year depending on interest.
Tournament Scoring Rules
All anglers must provide their own electronic photo device that will take the picture of caught fish. Fish will be measured and photographed on an acceptable board and then immediately released at kayak. Points will be awarded for the day on total inches of 5 fish. There is no minimum length. Tie breaker will be the longest of the five fish turned in with virtual stringer.
*Rules are subject to change.